An Introduction to AppSec Foundations Level 2

Our mini courses are meant to be an introduction to concepts we cover within our full courses. The Scaling Your Team Mini Course covers one module out of the ten available. as part of the complete course from We Hack Purple. Application Security Foundations Level 2 has 10 educational modules with videos, quizzes, articles, assignments, PDFs and other resources, all made to help you be great at your job!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from your instructor

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Lesson #1 Why do we Scale?

    • Why do we Scale?

  • 3

    Lesson #2 Security Champions

    • Security Champions

  • 4

    Lesson #3 Coaching

    • Coaching

  • 5

    Lesson #4 Partnership Model

    • Partnership Model

  • 6

    Lesson #5 Delegation

    • Delegation

  • 7

    Lesson #6 Automation

    • Automation

  • 8

    Wrap - Up

    • Test Your Learning!

  • 9

    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

This mini course is part of

  • $20.00

    $20.00Application Security Foundations Level 2

    Learn to scale your team and go beyond your organization’s capabilities. See real case studies in how companies amplify their AppSec programs and impacts.
    Buy Now