Course curriculum

This is not "just another tools" course!

  • 1


    • Hello and Welcome

    • About Me

    • Prerequisites

    • The OSINTion Ecosystem

    • Course Flow and Learning Objectives

  • 2

    Installing Recon-ng

    • Installing_Recon-ng

    • About Tools

  • 3

    Configuring Recon-ng

    • Workspaces

    • Installing Modules

    • API Keys

    • Advanced Query Techniques

  • 4

    Using Recon-ng Part 1

    • Modules

    • Metacrawler

    • WHOIS_POCs

    • MX_SPF_IP

    • WHOIS_Miner

  • 5

    Using Recon-ng Part 2


    • Certificate Transparency

    • Google Site Web

    • Hackertarget

    • Twitter Mentions

  • 6

    Using Recon-ng Part 3

    • Github Users

    • Github Repos

    • Shodan Hosts

    • Shodan IP Addresses

    • Shodan Organizations

  • 7

    Import and Reporting Modules

    • Reporting Modules

    • Import_Modules

  • 8

    Using Other Recon-ng packages

    • Recon-cli

    • Recon-web

  • 9


    • Conclusion

    • OSINT and Intelligence Adjacent Non-Profits

    • Badges

    • Other Courses from The OSINTion